Pressing Drive Shafts onto N20 Motors

Parts Required

  1. 2x N20 Motor
  2. 2x 3D Printed Driveshaft

Clean any debris from inside the driveshafts before proceeding


  1. Press the driveshaft on as far as you can by hand, verifying that the flat spot inside the driveshaft lines up with the flat spot on the N20 Motor shaft.
  2. Press the the driveshaft on the rest of the way by preferably a vice or by gently tapping with a hammer. if it doesn't go on at all or it seems to loose and might strip consider checking the folder of STEP files labeled "Alternate Sizes" and print the corresponding set.

WARNING: If the driveshaft is to tight and to much pressure is applied, permanent damage may

occur and the N20 Motor may no longer work properly.