Choose Between Tracks or Tires


Parts Required

  1. 2x 3D Printed Driveshafts


  1. Place two driveshafts without motors installed and press them into the front left and rear right driveshaft holes.
  2. Take the two N20 Motors with Driveshafts installed and place them into the front right and rear left driveshaft holes(Main Housing).
  3. Secure all four driveshafts in place by using Driveshaft C-Clips.


Parts Required

  1. 2x 3D Printed Driveshafts
  2. 2x 3D Printed TPU Drive belts


  1. Taking a driveshaft wrap it with a drive belt and place in the front left driveshaft hole. Repeat for the rear right driveshaft hole(Main Housing).
  2. Take the two N20 motors with driveshafts installed and maneuver them to mesh with the drive belt then place them in the front right and rear left driveshafts holes.
  3. Secure all four driveshafts in place by using Driveshaft C-Clips.